[78-L] Ted Weems alternate take

J. E. Knox rojoknox at metroeast.org
Thu Apr 12 12:31:03 PDT 2012

Greetings from FixitLand!

Michael Shoshani wrote:

> On 04/12/2012 02:01 PM, Taylor Bowie wrote:
>> Thanks,  Robert...now we have the two takes back to back...the  
>> issued 78 and
>> the mysterious,  probably unissued take.
> There's another Ted Weems record like this: Victor 20120-A, My Cutey's
> Due At Two To Two.
> This video plays the take that my mom had in her collection:
> http://youtu.be/p1-uACXLDSk
> But this video contains an alternate take. Not sure of the source. The
> big difference is in the piano solo near the end, although T.P. Gibbs
> also does not articulate the initial T sound in "two to two"  
> clearly in
> this take. It comes out more "two-do-doo".
> http://youtu.be/YpzvHKFwXs4

Very interesting post...I grabbed that last clip (alt. of "My Cutey's  
Due...") and will compare it against the 78 to be sure.

According to EDVR, BVE 35591-2 is the Master issued on Victor 20120- 
A, -4 is marked "Hold" and -2, -4 were Destroyed, so if that YT post  
is indeed an alternate it's gotta be Take 4.

As for the other Weems track, "You're The Cream In My Coffee" -- the  
YT poster claims it's Victor 21767-A; EDVR shows BVE 47851-1  
Destroyed, -2 Master (21767-A) and -3 Hold. I can't grab this YT  
track (yet); will try to compare it somehow.

Take care,

"Never ask a hungry cat whether he loves you for yourself alone."-- 
Dr. Louis J. Camuti

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