[78-L] Ted Weems alternate take

Michael Shoshani mshoshani at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 12 12:13:21 PDT 2012

On 04/12/2012 02:01 PM, Taylor Bowie wrote:
> Thanks,  Robert...now we have the two takes back to back...the issued 78 and
> the mysterious,  probably unissued take.
There's another Ted Weems record like this: Victor 20120-A, My Cutey's 
Due At Two To Two.

This video plays the take that my mom had in her collection:


But this video contains an alternate take. Not sure of the source. The 
big difference is in the piano solo near the end, although T.P. Gibbs 
also does not articulate the initial T sound in "two to two" clearly in 
this take. It comes out more "two-do-doo".


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