[78-L] How was this recorded?

Steve Shapiro steveshapiro1 at juno.com
Sat Mar 24 09:46:25 PDT 2012

Florence Henderson remembers Eddie on this show as being "unprofessional, kind of goofing off....  [This was in contrast to where I was] coming from the theatre, where people were always so well-prepared .... "


"Staying on the beat" wasn't Eddie's only problem.


Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 00:14:43 -0400
From: David Lennick <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [78-L] How was this recorded?
To: 78-L Mail List 78-l at klickitat.78online.com

That's live, man..he got one bar ahead and the orchestra and chorus caught up 
with him! Live TV was pretty hairy and the performers couldn't always hear the 
orchestra, which was likely in another room. Looks like a kinescope.


On 3/23/2012 11:57 PM, Taylor Bowie wrote:
> This ghastly film clip has been bouncing around on Facebook today.
> I've never heard Fisher this bad...he was famous for his problems with
> staying on the beat, but this is ridiculous.
> My question...this is from Coke Time, a little 15-minute TV show of the
> early 50s...is he singing live with a live band? or is he singing live to a
> pre-recorded band and chorus? I'm guessing it's the latter...how else could
> he get so hoplessly messed up with the tempo?
> The song is pretty hateful anyway, although Como handles it well on his
> record of it.
> Any info appreciated.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWvjRSxKGRw&feature=share
> Thanks from
> Taylor
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