[78-L] Melvin Lastie

Bill McClung bmcclung78 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 16:38:27 PST 2012

Harold Battiste, Jr. talks about Melvin Lastie's death in his book
"Unfinished Blues" but doesn't give a specific cause.  On page 123 Battiste
says that early in 1972 he felt Lastie's personality had changed.  Later
that year he says he learned that Lastie was in declining health and felt
he was in denial.  Lastie moved home to New Orleans from Los Angeles later
in 1972 and died December 4th.

That's all I got.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Cary Ginell <soundthink at live.com> wrote:

> Does anyone know the cause of the death of New Orleans trumpet player
> Melvin Lastie in 1972? He was only 42 years old but I'm unable to find out
> how he died.
> Thanks.
> Cary Ginell
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