[78-L] Ford (remove ^ - back on 78 content)

David Sanderson dwsanderson685 at roadrunner.com
Fri Feb 3 11:45:13 PST 2012

On 2/3/2012 2:12 PM, Rodger Holtin wrote:
> So much for the clarity of my memory on that subject.  Thanks for the
> article - I wondered why Henry would let his orchestra record for
> Victor when Tom Edison was such a close friend.  Edison, no doubt,
> recorded them so they would be preserved in the finest sound quality
> available* for his old friend, and Henry probably wanted Victor to do
> it so they would actually sell a few copies.
> *The Victors being early Orthophonics, do we know if poor ol' deaf
> Tom could tell the difference between electrics and acoustics?  (One
> of the great ironies of history that a nearly deaf man figured out
> how to record - and play back - sound!)
> Rodger

One of the best references for the Ford dance project is:
Henry Ford and Benjamin B. Lovett: The Dancing Billionaire and the 
Dancing Master ( 
http://www.amazon.com/Henry-Ford-Benjamin-Lovett-Billionaire/dp/999247971X )

I'm not sure of dates, but the Ford Orchestra recorded for both Victor 
and Edison, plus whatever these Engineering Laboratory disks represent. 
There is no sign that the Engineering Lab disks I have are Orthophonic 
or anything else particular. I'm not sure when Victor would have started 
the Orthophonic line, but I do know that the Orchestra was recording for 
Victor in New York in early 1926. Clearly there's a history there that 
we're missing.

David Sanderson
East Waterford Maine
dwsanderson685 at roadrunner.com

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