[78-L] New blog devoted to 78rpm records

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Sat Jan 28 13:54:46 PST 2012

O god, another punster. This time in French!!


On 1/28/2012 11:39 AM, Thomas HENRY wrote:
> Yes, the common sense is that 78s were made of bakelite, but my blog's
> name is also a reference to a famous French song by Serge Gainsbourg
> mentioning "seins de bakelite" (breasts of bakelite), "ceints de
> bakelite" (my blog's name, pronounced in the same way) meaning
> "surrounded by bakelite". OK, this reference is hardly understandable
> outside of France...
> 2012/1/28 David Breneman<david_breneman at yahoo.com>:
>> From: Thomas HENRY<thomashenry81 at gmail.com>
>>> I'm a new member in this list. I created a few months ago the blog
>>> "Ceints de bakelite" devoted to my 78rpm records collection.
>> Are 78s popularly believed to be made of Bakelite in France?
>> As you probably know, many Americans thought they were made
>> of wax.
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