[78-L] The new Sherlock Holmes film has an Improved Gramophone...

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Dec 25 20:56:20 PST 2011

Anyone catch a couple of goofs in "The Artist" yet (fabulous movie otherwise)?


On 12/25/2011 11:52 PM, Michael Shoshani wrote:
> My family and I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes film today. It had
> quite a few ...um, shall we say, endearing anachronisms. However, the
> one that got my full attention was a Berliner Improved Gramophone.
> Either it's authentic or a damn good replica. Correct wide flat
> traveling arm, correct leather coupling between the sound box and the
> brass horn, and even the correct Clark-Johnson sound box.  In fact, the
> only thing wrong with this Berliner Improved Gramophone was that it
> somehow made its way to London in 1891, which is where and when the film
> is set.  :) (Johnson would not deliver his machine to Berliner until
> 1896, and England really didn't get them until, I believe, 1898.)
> MS

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