[78-L] Phantom eBay winner

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 13 20:37:21 PST 2011

I've been hit by him a few times, as I mentioned. Does anyone know if it's 
possible to cancel his bid immediately or do we still have to go through the 
whole procedure of invoicing him and then re-selling when eBay cancels (which 
it has, twice in my experience)? I'm a bit reluctant to go the "no bids unless 
you have 10 positive feedbacks" route since I had what appeared to be legit 
bids from a newish buyer with 1 positive feedback and a US address. I'm also 
pretty steamed about the wasted time.  Amazingly, I had 3 calypso items listed 
and the phantom only bid on two of them. Looking forward to more rumficken when 
I list the mint "Too Hot to Handle" on Canadian Quality.

But when eBay wants to go after sellers..zowie! I still haven't had a 
satisfactory explanation for their pulling my Ravens aircheck a few months ago.


On 11/13/2011 11:26 PM, Steve Shapiro wrote:
> Some of the posts on this subject have been off the mark.
> I am in several ways a calypso person and a calypso record person.
> Sellers tell me this has been going on for a year or two.  The phantom is in England.  Constantly sets up new oyVey accounts and will bid 40 50-60+ times before he is stopped.  oyVey continues to accept him setting up these new accounts and refuses to go after him despite the disruption he causes.  I and others have gotten a few calypso items directly from sellers or via 2nd chances.  I think going after him does not fit into oyVey's business model, which has largely drifted towards supporting large-scale marketers.
> Good luck, David./steve
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