[78-L] College Humour

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Oct 30 14:37:21 PDT 2011

On 30/10/11 20:21, Brian Bashford wrote:
> Hell All,
> I wonder if anyone here can shine a light on two white label British 78s I
> picked up today.
> They are "College Humour" By the Committee and other Experts 1934 Parts 1 -
> 4. The no.s on the labels are the same as the matrix no.s and they are
> O.5770 to O.5774. No other information anywhere on them.
> I've listened to them and there are  2 or 3 male singers  backed by piano
> and one or two other instruments  singing popular songs of the day with the
> words altered to poke fun at (I think) prominent businessmen of the day. I
> don't know who is being parodied but there's " Selsey Bill The Buyer",
> "Spragues Forever Blowing Troubles" and there's a line "The Evening
> Standard's on his trail and Tilbrook is glum, he buys no  sweets or candies
> now but brandy and rum". These songs are all quite professionally done.
> Brian B.
> _______________________________________________
> Can't help you, but doesn't O.5770 to O.5774 add up to five sides?

      Julian Vein

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