[78-L] It's not only Ken Burns who get it wrong, or what is the obsession with Dave Brubeck?

Don Cox doncox at enterprise.net
Sun Oct 9 04:44:01 PDT 2011

On 08/10/2011, Michael Biel wrote:

> Mentioning Tesla or Hertz, who were 19th century theorists on the
> electrical background of what makes transmission possible, in a
> program solely about those who built the EMPIRE -- read: business --
> of BROADCASTING, makes as much sense as mentioning the ancients who
> developed paint in a documentary about Van Gough and other painters.
> The documentary, and the book it was based on, centers on the three
> persons who were linked together personally -- deForest, Armstrong,
> and Sarnoff. Since Tesla nor Hertz were personally linked with all
> three, why fuzz up the focus of the purpose of the program by bringing
> up extraneous elements? Hertz showed you could send a spark across a
> room.
> Tesla centered mostly on distribution of raw electrical power.  So? 
> Did they build the BUSINESS of AUDIO BROADCASTING??  Not at all.  
Tesla invented the method of tuning radio signals to different
frequencies, without which there could not be different radio stations
broadcasting in the same area. This is just as important as the
invention of the triode.

> By the way, radios used to have huge glowing dials.

Don Cox
doncox at enterprise.net

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