[78-L] Paul Specht/Lou Calabrese discovery

Mark Bardenwerper citrogsa at charter.net
Wed Aug 31 20:33:53 PDT 2011

In the last 2 years I have been working on a biography of my wife's 
grandfather, Lou Breese (Calabrese). I have been accumulating data in 
hitches and bumps. About a year ago, we were pleasantly surprised when a 
scrap book of news clips and pictures surfaced after going lost for 
almost 5 years. That was exciting enough. Today we received 2 more, one 
of them dealing with Lou's Paul Specht days. It is full of theater 
programs, news clips, pictures of Lou with bandsmen during the 1926 
British tour, a dance card from the Trinity College Ball, June 22, 1926. 
There are several ship's programs, one going and the other returning. 
There is a radio script for a show from Buffalo Theater October 8, 1934.
Here are 2 gems:
I have saved them in the files because they get reduced in resolution if 
I  put them in the photos section and you may want to zoom in on the faces.
If you can name some of them that would be grand.

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr. #:?)
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