[78-L] Morris Grants Presents JUNK

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Aug 19 10:35:37 PDT 2011

Picked up a copy of this today on Pye  NJL 37 (ex Argo), featuring such 
luminaries as Morris Brewbeck, Sol Desman, Can-E-Ball Naturally, Merry 
Julligan, Theloneliest Plunk, Ornette Morris among others. JUNK stands 
for Jazz University's New Kicks. It's a sendup of Jazz At The Philharmonic.

Anyone know the personnel? I seem to recall Doc Severinson being 
mentioned as the trumpet player, but what about the others? Ranks 
alongside Jonathan and Darlene Edwards!

      Julian Vein

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