[78-L] Dean Martin Question - New Tilme-Life DVD

Jeff Sultanof jeffsultanof at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 14:19:45 PDT 2011

The Guthy-Renker series is 30 DVDs, and original copies that they sell are
pressings, not DVD-Rs. I have most of them at this point.

If they are in excellent condition, it's actually a good deal. DVD 1 was
free, and the rest were $19.95 each. You can do the math.

Jeff Sultanof

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 4:15 PM, Thomas Stern <sternth at attglobal.net> wrote:

> BTW, I notice on ePay a 30-DVD set being offered for $140.  Sellers are in
> I asked if these were DVD-R and received NO response.
> Anyone know if these are bootlegs, or is Guthy-Renker adjusting to the
> Time-Life release(s)???
> Best wishes, Thomas.

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