[78-L] V-Disc inquiries

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Wed Jul 27 21:47:36 PDT 2011

On 7/27/2011 11:14 PM, neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com wrote:
> You are probably thinking of the book by Mr. Richard Sears, usually
> referred to as the Sears catalog. It is quite a bit more rare than the
> records themselves now and fetches a nice price when it does surface for
> sale.
> joe salerno

>  The book (V-Discs, A History and Discography by Richard S. Sears)
>  was published by Greenwood in 1980. They've been known to re-print
>  some titles to order.  dl

Although I had helped Dick with a vital aspect of the book, I stupidly bypassed getting a copy even with the ARSC discount coupon until it was too late.  I did get a copy of the supplement when it was new, which is itself going for over $150 right now.  Fortunately a year or so ago I spotted a used copy of the main book on the web for under $100 and LEAPED at it!  I seem to recall there being three or four more copies, so I think it might have been a period where a few Greenwood reprints had been released. I think that is the case right now with the multiple copies of the supplement being available.  The original printing was a beautiful gold with black lettering.  My copy is noted as the second printing and is black with gold printing in the same original angled script design.

By the way, in case you are interested in how I helped Dick, he had complained that the new people at the NBC Central Files wouldn't let him in, and kept telling him that there was no listing of guest performers.  I had USED that card file and I told him EXACTLY where it was in NBC Central Files on the 2nd Mezzanine West so that he could even point to it from the door if they persisted in not letting him in.  This enabled him to pipoint every NBC program anybody ever appeared on, and use this to then refer to the bound logs where a monitor had written in the titles of all performed songs.

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

> On 7/27/2011 4:10 PM, Matthew Balcerak wrote:
>> I'm working on organizing my v-disc collection and I was wondering if
>> someone could provide me with some information.
>> What was the last v-disc (numerically) my latest is 902, but I seem to
>> remember someone telling me they went up to 908.
>> Also, which numbers were omitted.
>> I understand there is an amazing disco-graphical book all about v-discs, and
>> I promise if one ever comes up for sale on the internetz I will buy it...
>> Thanks bunches.
>> Matthew Balcerak

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