[78-L] Q.R.S. discs

Taylor Bowie bowiebks at isomedia.com
Sat Jun 18 20:45:50 PDT 2011

Sometimes I'll put a "watch" on something but if for some reason I lose 
interest or decide I don't want to follow it,  then I delete it from my 
watched items and in turn it gets deleted when you check to see who is 
watching your stuff.


P.S.  What is your eBay moniker?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [78-L] Q.R.S. discs

> Correct, if your starting price was $10 or under. And it stays on till the 
> full
> week (or whatever period) has passed, and you count the number of 
> "watchers"
> and hope for a good snipe war.
> One thing I'm curious about, as a neophyte eBzass seller..if 5 people are
> listed as "watching" one of my items, then the number shrinks, how do 
> people
> unwatch? Or do they have an automatic function that advises them of 
> certain
> types of artist or record, and they can opt not to keep an eye on that 
> item?
> dl
> On 6/18/2011 10:58 PM, L78rpm at aol.com wrote:
>> So --- if the buy it now price is $25 and I bid $10, no one can buy it 
>> now,
>>   "now", for $25?  The auction must continue?
>> Paul
>> In a message dated 6/18/2011 10:54:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> dlennick at sympatico.ca writes:
>> If they  click on "buy it now", they've bought it now, but if they bid 
>> any
>> other
>> amount that option vanishes. I've had that happen a couple of times,
>> having
>> recently started  selling.
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