[78-L] Pre-1920 Japanese Record Labels

Ken Matheson kenmath at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 19:13:42 PDT 2011

I will take a guess as to when they were made.
I will probably be corrected by someone.
The Asahi (412) made 1934 to 1945
The Asahi (805) made 1924 to 1933
The Nipponophone (1535, 2703) made before 1925 in US
Nitto (30, 177, 613, 614, ) made 1933 to 1945
Nitto (346, 1466,  1901, 2349) made 1924 to 1933
The Tokyo records were made after 1921, probably
1925 to 1933, or in the 50’s, I can’t read the labels.

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