[78-L] Musicraft Party Record

Mark Bardenwerper citrogsa at charter.net
Sat Jun 4 06:53:09 PDT 2011

On 6/4/2011 1:02, Michael Biel wrote:
> On 6/3/2011 8:54 PM, Han Enderman wrote:
>> BLue Pages state about Musicraft PR label:
>> "Red-label party issues resemble Musicraft's popular series but use a reversed "laughing face" trademark of the Party Record Company. All discs released in albums and each side bears the album number plus side letter identical to Party Record Company releases. Albums 6, 8, 12 and 14 so far discovered."
> I found a treasure trove of these Party Record albums in a church!  Back
> in the late 60s early 70s when I was in grad school at Northwestern,
> once a year three large churches in Winnetka, Wilmet, and Kennelworth
> coordinated their rummage sales to the same day with shuttle busses.
> We'd pick one first and the line started at midnight.  All of them
> always had huge stocks of records.  One of them had a room of them and
> there in a pile were about seven gleaming yellow album spines with large
> blue lettering Party Records.  Naa, I thought, couldn't be.  But it
> was!  All in perfect condition and there were maybe 20 more of the genre
> loose.  So I've been saying ever since that I find my best party records
> in churches.  I thought I had given David all the info on the albums,
> but if he only lists four, perhaps I didn't.
> I did find -- actually Leah spotted it first -- a rather risque ad for
> Musicraft Party Records in the Oct 1943 issue of Record Retailing, and I
> sent it on to David.  Unfortunately the list doesn't allow attachments,
> but ask me and I'll send it on to you.
> Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com
Place it here

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr. #:?)
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