[78-L] Kurt Nauck's Auctions.

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat May 7 04:24:35 PDT 2011

DanKj wrote:
>   I don't recall anti-Nauck feelings here (but don't remind us - no need to 
> dredge - and if I haven't seen it, the guilty party is probably on my 
> 'blocked' list ) .  I think Naucktions are N-awesome!  Kurt's bidding system 
> is almost unbelievable, in this world of grasping greed.  Only 'complaint' - 
> I was at work when the last "Unsolds" list arrived in email, and most of the 
> stuff I picked when I got home was gone already.
>  Oh wait a sec ... No, Naucktions are terrible, expecially for the stuff *I* 
> like - nobody should bid on anything I collect    :)
I don't have a problem with "Unsolds"--I bid on everything I'm 
interested in. Yes, I do have a problem with other collectors trying to 
muscle in. Can't they wait until I've satisfied my interests?

      Julian Vein

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