[78-L] ARSC Awards 2011: Finalists - rules for inclusion

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu Apr 28 19:25:51 PDT 2011

So where does that leave Mr. Fulop's Mahler Discography?


On 4/28/2011 9:04 PM, Cary Ginell wrote:
> I don't recall this coming up at all and the book was not on our initial list of ones to be considered. The first edition was published in 1992 and in looking at the ARSC website, it doesn't appear to have won anything - nominees are not listed back that far, so I'm not certain if it was considered. But Steve is right - revised or updated editions are not considered original works.
> Cary Ginell
>> From: steveramm78l at hotmail.com
>> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
>> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 19:59:01 -0400
>> Subject: Re: [78-L] ARSC Awards 2011: Finalists - rules for inclusion
>> Cary's on the committe so he might know better but I think it may be because the book is an UPDATE and REVISED version of earlier research and I thought that awards could only be given for completely new works.
>> The Title of the book is" The Collector's Guide to Victor Records (2nd Edition)
>> And I don't ever remember aa finalist being a (2nd or revised edition).
>> I certainly think that - if eligible - Kurt and Mike would have sent a copy to the judges.
>> Steve
>>>> Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 01:57:29 -0400
>>>> From: mbiel at mbiel.com
>>>> Did I miss something or did Sherman's Collectors Guide to Victor Records
>>>> not make the cut?
>>>> Mike Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
>> ______________________________________

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