[78-L] fwd: 1906 film of a cable car ride

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Tue Mar 22 17:24:40 PDT 2011

At 07:08 PM 3/22/2011, you wrote:

> >Fascinating to watch, not just because of its proximity to the
> >devastating earthquake 4 days later, but look at all the traffic
> >violations! Jaywalkers, vehicles cutting in and out, near
> >collisions, no signaling.

Things were so bad that within the next two years, there were public 
service announcements shown before the main feature, in which the 
title cards warned people not to walk out in front of the street cars 
and automobile.  Kino Films put out a 2-volume DVD of early cinema, 
including The Great Train Robbery, and it has several examples of 
these efforts to train the public to look before crossing the 
increasingly busy streets.    

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