[78-L] Amalgamated Broadcasting System

Michael Shoshani mshoshani at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 4 08:57:40 PST 2011

On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 09:10 -0500, David Lennick wrote:
> Thanks..many of the sides didn't have that metallic sound, so I wondered. Some 
> also sound as if they were center start. Has anyone done a better transfer, do 
> the originals still exist, has it been assembled with the sides and speeds 
> matched up, blah blah blah?

Heh. I'm wondering, from what you describe of the material (Rex Stewart
excluded), whether it's worth it. It sounds as though Amalgamated ended
their broadcast hour with the ringing of Amalgamated Chimes: two
galvanized ash-can lids and a coal scuttle.


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