[78-L] big Hawaii storm

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Thu Jan 13 16:57:47 PST 2011

Could be sometimes yes, but not this storm according to the satellite 
shots. The storm system that came and went with all that destruction in 
California a little while back actually stretched from Hawaii to Michigan!
Want a pretty good weather satellite URL? Here 'tis:


On 1/13/2011 2:33 PM, L78rpm at aol.com wrote:
> Is this the kind of storm that reaches the west coast of the mainland as a
> "pineapple express"?
> Paul Charosh
> In a message dated 1/13/11 12:52:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> malcolm at 78data.com writes:
> Man,  Hawaii is getting nailed. If it was snowing I estimate we'd be
> under 236  feet of snow by now!
> It's been one long thunderstorm all night long and is  continuing on as
> front after front hits the state. I actually managed to  get some sleep
> by using earplugs and a wool watch cap pulled down over my  eyes, but
> still...
> The usually dry stream in the gulch next to my house  is running 6 to 8
> feet off the bed and the whole house shudders when an  especially large
> surge of water or a batch of boulders rolls down from  further upcountry.
> In 25 years of living here I've never see the stream  run this high. And
> the rain which began yesterday hasn't let up at all,  except sporadically.
> The cats are all freaked and my eldest is hiding under  the bed,
> something she never does. Won't even come out for  food.
> Hopefully this part of the storm will cease soon, but the satellite  pix
> say probably not for another 5 or 6 hours. We still have water,
> electricity (oddly enough except for a couple of hiccups yesterday
> afternoon there's been no outages) and phone/cable/email and the roads
> over here are still clear, but I don't know about anywhere else.
> At  least we don't have to boil our water yet. But the electricity is
> flickering now.
> I haven't even looked in the record vault yet.
> We'll  see.
> Malcolm

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