[78-L] record cartoon this time

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Mon Jan 10 19:46:07 PST 2011

From: "Michael Biel" <mbiel at mbiel.com>
> On 1/9/2011 10:27 PM, David Lennick wrote:
>> On 1/9/2011 10:22 PM, Steven C. Barr wrote:
>>> Reminds me of the times I spent with the late Jeff Healey! Jeff could
>>> actually
>>> identify his records (he had about 40,000!) by "feel" (although I doubt 
>>> if
>>> he
>>> could "feel" the lyrics...?!)...!
>>> Steven C. Barr
>> He could feel take numbers on Diamond Discs he hadn't seen before. He 
>> could
>> also sign autographs. I understand he also drove a car for a couple of 
>> blocks,
>> and all concerned lived to tell the tale.
>> dl
> From these descriptions I am beginning to wonder if he were not totally
> blind but was really LEGALLY blind.  They could see weakly but things
> are uncorrectably fuzzy.  I once had a student like that.  We all
> thought he was totally blind like the others I had , but he would put
> down those who used guide dogs or always needed the cane.  He also
> talked about driving a car on his family's farm.  A couple of years
> after he graduated a couple of the girls were joking about him.  The
> main walkway on campus was rather narrow and he used to occasionally use
> a cane and hold his other hand out in front of him strategically
> placed for optimal contact with the co-eds.  When I asked the girls said
> to me "You didn't realize he was not totally blind?!  WE all knew!!"
Most definitely NOT true of Jeff...! There is a form of cancer that affects 
eyes of infants; this is what he suffered from. He had both eyes removed as
an infant. This is also why Jeff wasn't surprised when he learned that 
had returned a few years ago.

Steven C. Barr 

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