[78-L] first e.bay problem

Taylor Bowie bowiebks at isomedia.com
Wed Dec 29 09:34:14 PST 2010

I understand that,  Fred.  I mentioned that I was the underbidder on a lot 
of items,  which would indicate that there was more than one person bidding!

Some time ago there was a Clarence Williams I wanted,  and there were five 
people bidding.  The bids were $9.99,  $25.00,  $41.00,  then me at 101 plus 
change and then the winning bid...that was the kind of situation I was 
thinking of.  If I hadn't been bidding the seller would have gotten about 42 
bucks instead of over a hundred.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Lowenhaupt" <lphred at yahoo.com>
To: <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: [78-L] first e.bay problem

>I hate to say this but unless you were the only one bidding on the item 
>your extra buck makes very little difference to the seller.
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