[78-L] Brunswick X export series

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Sat Nov 6 08:52:02 PDT 2010

The Br X series is an export series for Vocalion issues, retaining the original Voc nrs.
I assume it was exported to countries where UK Vocalion owned the brand name.

I have a few label images, and found a few others in Rust under the same artists.
All are hot jazz, and most were released in 1933.
Does someone have general info on the series, for ex. the release period, and were
non-jazz dance band items also released?

I know of the following issues, and would like to know other releases:
X-1445 Eddie & Sugar Lou 1929 (not in R-6)
X-1730-1733 Wb Rhythm Kings 1932 (released 1933)
X-2539-2540 Robechaux 1933
X-2541 Clarence Williams 1933
X-15860 Jack Winn (= Irving Mills) 1930 [in Rust: for export only].

Han Enderman

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