[78-L] Gennett Art Tone (off on a typical 78-L tangent)

J. E. Knox rojoknox at metroeast.org
Fri Oct 29 16:55:09 PDT 2010

Greetings from FixitLand!

Malcolm Rockwell wrote:

> If you have hexagonal labels they have to be very rare.
> All the regular scroll Gennett labels I've ever seen are sextagonal (6
> sided).


Entering "sextagonal" on this site returns "The word you've entered  
isn't in the dictionary."

I have an unabridged dictionary (we call it "The Tome") at home; will  
consult it. Perhaps one of our other fine members could consult the  
Oxford English Dictionary?

Take care,

Poof read? Why brother?

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