[78-L] Broadcast catalogues

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Wed Oct 20 19:48:16 PDT 2010

From: "Philip Carli" <Philip_Carli at pittsford.monroe.edu>
> Hello -- I was wondering if anyone has seen or had access to a late 1920s- 
> early 1930s English Broadcast (made by Vocalion) record catalogue.  I'm 
> doing some work on "budget" classical performances and tracking this would 
> be very useful.  Many thanks -- P. Carli
Seems to me I have (or had?) a catalog (or other data source) for this 
however, my memory is somewhat compromised (long story!) and my
paper documents are for the most part either disorganized or lost?!

This is what happens when some (explitives deleted!) person sets out to
"reform" a "pack rat"...SORRY!

Steven C. Barr 

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