Kristjan Saag saag at telia.com
Mon Sep 20 02:10:12 PDT 2010

Steven C. Barr wrote:

 > "Easy listening" is (and is supposed to be?!) a nice pleasant and 
INoffensive sound to keep one's ears "busy" while
 > NOT requiring any effort from one's brain...?!/snip
 > One can use almost ANY contact with "the outside world" to exemplify 
this "content vs. blah" concept!
Steven says:
Content is brain
Non-content is blah
And brain is supposed to be better than blah.
Children don't always agree. Neither did Dada. Neither does zen.
Eric Satie laughed at it, as does Brian Eno (ambient music).
The notion of content as superior to non-content is a very intellectual, 
basically bourgeois and definitely Lutheran misconception. It says: we 
have to work (our brains) even in our pastimes. Never let go. Never 
forget our duties.
Don't just play around, kid!

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