[78-L] Label scanning

Don Cox doncox at enterprise.net
Sun Sep 19 16:07:56 PDT 2010

On 19/09/2010, Tim Huskisson wrote:
> I can't get nice sharp images because a 10 inch record is too wide to
> sit flat against the glass of the scanner. I don't know how others
> achieve this.
Some scanners have the frame level with the glass. There is also a model
of A3 size scanner which is fairly cheap.

Note that you don't need the full version of Photoshop - Photoshop
Elements will do everything you want. And I think most photo editors,
even the cheapest, will offer a circular area selection. 

Useful in Photoshop is "Select Inverse", which will select all of the
image except the circle. 

Don Cox
doncox at enterprise.net

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