[78-L] Columbia Patriotic Series, was Columbia blue on white labels, revisited

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Wed Sep 1 16:44:00 PDT 2010

From: "David Lennick" <dlennick at sympatico.c
> On 8/28/2010 8:45 PM, Steven C. Barr wrote:
>> From: "David Lennick"<dlennick at sympatico.ca>
>>> I found two more Columbia P- discs this afternoon. Full colour labels.
>>> P19:
>>> P20:
>> Found WHERE?! I buy these whenever I run across them...but most of the
>> several
>> which I own came with boxes of "miscellaneous junk" sold at CAPS 
>> meetings!
> I found them over at the warehouse yesterday..if you wannem, you can 
> havvem.
>>  AFAIK, the "notes" label was replaced
>> at c. A2000 with
>> a short-lived "barless" variant of the "bar label" (I actively collect
>> these!)
> Duly noted..barless for Barr.
>> I was working (and I think still am...?!) with Jack Litchfield on a
>> compilation of the
>> Canadian 16*-D series...used from 1924 until an unknown point in the
>> thirties!
>> Needless to say, these discs are in the "hens' teeth" category...as is 
>> any
>> documentation
>> thereunto!
> Jack is still noting everything that turns up..I found another one last 
> week,
> parts 1 & 2 of a Nursery Rhymes medley (16107-D), which I've dated to 
> November
> 1930 and the 1932 English Columbia catalogue lists this and parts 3 & 4, 
> so
> possibly that was also on Canadian Columbia 16108D.
> Don't forget there was also a Patriotic Series on Canadian Victor, with 
> similar
> repertoire ("Your King and Country Want You" etc). Also white labels with 
> red
> and white printing and a Union Jack.
Yes...I have seen the Victors; however, unlike the Columbias, they were NOT
given their own numeric series...!

Steven C. Barr
(will check w/ JL per the new entries...!)
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