[78-L] Thanks to Ron - Thanks for the thanks
Ron Fial
ron at fial.com
Tue Aug 31 20:07:42 PDT 2010
Thanks for the thanks, you all. , I'm an 'accumulator' with about 16,000 78s and a love
of music. I enjoy all the expert resources on this list, and I am glad to lend my computer
expertise to this list.
Ron Fial (ron at fial.com)
78-L History:
The list was started in 1992 by Doug Elliot at Cornell University, using 'Listserv' under
VM on an IBM mainframe. Later it was moved from Cornell U. and I took it over from Doug.
It was moved to a couple of commercial servers (e.g. topica.com) but the ISPs had
constant problems. So I moved it to its own server in our company, running the Majordomo
list server. When Majordomo became too old (had big problems), 78-L was switched to a
'Mailman' list server format, where it remains today. The major defect in the Mailman software
is the lack of a search engine for the archives. I hope to remedy that someday.
The list still reflects its roots in academia. It is non-commerical, with no advertising, no for-profit
activities, and the membership list is not for sale. The list is unique in that anyone can ask
questions that are answered by many of the foremost experts in the field of recording history.
The 78-L list runs under SuSE Linux, using Mailman and Postfix and running in a VmWare
Virtual Machine. The supporting Server runs 64-bit Windows 7 with a i7 Quad Core processor,
8 Gigs of the fastest DDR3 RAM and two terabyte Mirrored (Raid 1) hard disks. The
'virtual machine' means the list can be easily backed up in its entirety and quickly moved to any
other machine and restarted in case of hardware failure. This also makes it simple for someone
else to take it over if something happens to me. The list runs behind an IPCOP firewall and has
its own external IP address.
The Server is courtesy of Fial Incorporated, a 32-year old Telecommunications monitoring
company (www.fial.com).
More information about the 78-L
mailing list