[78-L] Vogue picture record R784

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Aug 28 09:17:07 PDT 2010

I could have bought 4207 Ken Griffin records for that money and still have been 
able to pay for parking for a half hour.


On 8/28/2010 11:59 AM, Han Enderman wrote:
> Just checked the highest priced 78s on ebay during the last 2 weeks,
> and found Vogue R-784 by Art Kassel for $4208 ( ebay # 190428378284).
> http://cgi.ebay.com/78RPM-VOGUE-R784-ART-KASSEL-QUEEN-4-DAY-END-PERFECT-D-/190428378284?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item2c566a74ac
> Seller seemed to be unaware of its rarity (as was I) when he started the auction.
> I have found images of about all Vogue picture records on ebay,
> but this one appeared to be lacking (though I had found images of the artwork).
> But it is listed in Curry's book about the label (since I have an image of this page) .
> On the Vogue Collectors website
> http://www.voguepicturerecords.org/records.html
> it is indicated as possibly the rarest issued Vogue (no ill. in the Italian book about the label)
> Does someone have more info on this issue (rarity)?
> Han Enderman
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