[78-L] Milk Crates as shelving. Was: Reprise: London Records

Mike Harkin xxm.harkin at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 28 22:55:13 PDT 2010

Are wooden cantaloupe crates still available from any source?

When I started collecting in about 1960 in Los Angeles, you could have them for free out of supermarket dumpsters.  Eventually they woke up and
started charging for them, first a quarter, later up to a dollar, till ultimately they disappeared, to be replaced by cardboard.  Thereafter, you could buy 'kits' from Sound Wherehouse for $3-4, IIRC.  How now?  Are they still to be had?

Mike in Plovdiv

--- On Thu, 7/29/10, Geoffrey Wheeler <dialjazz at verizon.net> wrote:

> From: Geoffrey Wheeler <dialjazz at verizon.net>
> Subject: [78-L]  Reprise: London Records
> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
> Date: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 3:45 AM
> I appreciate the background on how
> you got into milk boxes. I use heavy 
> duty record-shipping boxes for 78s, U-Haul boxes for both
> 10- and 
> 12-inch LPs,letter-size paper shipping cartons for tape
> cassettes and 
> CDs, and keep reel tapes in their original boxes. 
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