[78-L] Cameo 0198-B "Jungle Blues"

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Mon Jul 26 08:00:33 PDT 2010

Rust JR-6 lists the Cameo and some other Plaza issues (Je/Or/Ro) as 9322-1, recd 29 Jan 30.
What is in Julian's Plaza disco?
I would not spend too much time consulting Jepsen... I bet without checking that he omits the session.

Odd that Rust omits the reverse Nobody's Sweetheart by Hollywood Dance Orch., under this pseudonym. Mx 19299 on label, what is it?

Han Enderman
>>> I have a picture of a Cameo label, number 0198-B, with Ellington's 
"Jungle Blues" by the Ten Black Berries.    The matrix shows as 19322 
on the label.  The recording was made Jan. 29, 1930, in a Plaza 
session in New York according to New Desor and Jan. 20, 1930 
according to Timner's 4th edition.

According to New Desor, Timner, Jepsen, etc., there were two takes, 
9322-1 and 9322-2.

I am interested in identifying which take this Cameo is, so I can 
index it properly in 

New Desor, Jepsen, Wax Works, Timner, http://DEPanorama.net  and 
http://Ellingtonia.com   don't clear the mystery up for me.

Can anyone clearly identify the take for me, please?

Thanks in advance
David in Delta

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