[78-L] And to round out the trio from eBay....

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun Jul 25 20:23:20 PDT 2010

From: stevenc at interlinks.net> From: "David Lennick" <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
> > 4 negative feedbacks, all from the same person..$42 charged to ship 20 
> > records by Media Mail" is one example, countered with "what a jerk, 
> > expects you to ship for nothing" or words to that effect. I stopped buying 
> > on eBay two years ago because most of the sellers were morons. Of course 
> > so are most of the buyers, but that's life, Peanut.
> >
> Not only that...but the ubiquitous "auto-snipe" programs have turned 
> e-Wotsit
> and its "friends" from a functional "auction" into a "my program works in 
> fewer
> milliseconds than YOURS!" competition...?!


Snipe or be sniped. Eat or be eaten. Actually I found eSnipe to be a very fair way of bidding 99% of the time, and if I lost an item to someone with a bigger sniper than mine, so what? I sniped and was snope. It balanced out.



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