[78-L] RVCA instead of RCA Victor?

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Mon Jul 19 10:33:36 PDT 2010

The full details of most Victor label varieties are found in "The 
Collectors Guide To Victor Records" by Michael Sherman which was 
published in 1992, which is well worth looking for.  A MUCH smaller 48 
page 1987 edition was titled "The Paper Dog" and this is going for 
outrageous prices.   He is working on a revised edition for which I have 
been supplying detailed information on label formats from the mid-30s 
on.  I suggest all of you get a copy immediately as soon as Kurt Nauck 
announces availability.  Kurt still has copies of the Columbia label 
book, Note the Naucks, er, Nauck the Notes, er I mean, Note the Notes.  
If you don't have a copy of it I suggest you get one immediately.

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 

78records at cdbpdx.com wrote:
> I have several Victor/RCA-Victor records and they show many iterations of the Victor and Radio Corporation of America name after the two companies merged.  Here is one I haven't seen before:
> Radio-victor Corporation of America
> You can view at:
> http://78records.cdbpdx.com/RVCA
> RCA Victor might have become RVCA..??
> Where can I go to find all the company name varieties?
> Thanks!  CDB

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