[78-L] Reversing audio

Martin Fenton mafenton at talktalk.net
Tue Jul 13 05:44:43 PDT 2010

Graeme Jaye wrote:
> True, but the discussion here is about *reversed* audio (i.e. playing
> backwards) not inverted (which is simply a phase change).

I'll try to explain more clearly.

As an experiment, I reversed a 16-bit, 44.1KHz piece of audio digitally 
using ProTools. I then reversed it again so it was playing the correct 
way (note: I reversed it again, physically putting it through the 
process, NOT simply Undoing the process which would be pointless.)

I then pasted the double-reversed file over an inverted copy of the 
original in order to see if there were any artefacts remaining. It 
cancelled out. Ergo: no change to the audio.

It seems as though we actually agree here, but we're at cross-purposes 
as to what I mean.


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