[78-L] 78's at "Sally Ann"

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Wed Jun 2 13:29:28 PDT 2010

78's seem to turn up at our local SA thrift shop about once a year or so; if 
I'm not
lucky enough to see/buy them the day (or so) after they are dumped in with 
gazillion or so LP's, all I usually find are pieces! Found two 
to-day...oddly enough
both of jazz interest. Only the two...no fragments to suggest there had been 

First was a UK Parlophone...from the "Second New Rhythm Series" (#9/#10).
Two sides from Louis Armstrong & his Orchestra; first was a master pressing
but the second didn't look to be such... m#405063=3/405167=B.

Second is Prestige 835; two sides by Reinhold Svensson and Quintet 
"I Guess I'll Have To Dream the Rest").

One wonders...were these two favourite discs set aside by some 
jazz lover...or two discs from a much larger jazz collection? If the latter, 
then what
happened/will happen to the remainder? Already landfill bound (then how did 
two get missed?!)...or set aside for eventual profitable sale? I know there 
is a story
involved...just no idea what it IS...?!

Steven C. Barr 

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