[78-L] Huh?

fnarf at comcast.net fnarf at comcast.net
Tue May 4 08:54:07 PDT 2010

From: "Steven C. Barr" <stevenc at interlinks.net>

> 78 collecting, OTOH, seems to mainly appeal to those who enjoy
> the musical content of their acquisitions. I might note that the
> collectors of vintage LP's and 45's (especially the latter?) seem
> to be more interested in the possibility of financial gain than us
> 78-ophiles are?!

That might be the most absurd thing I've ever heard on this list. There are dealers in LPs and 45s just as there are dealers in 78s. But I can assure you that people willing to spend $20 or $40 on a rare 45 are absitively posolutely in it for the music. THAT'S WHY THE RECORDS COST SO MUCH.

What the hell? Why do you always assume that you're the only person in the world whose motives are pure? What about Kurt Nauck? He auctions off $100 records all the time -- is he in it just for financial gain? I think he's in it for the love of the hobby, just like you are. 

With one breath you're complaining that 78s cost too much on Ebay, but with the next you're complaining that no one's interested in 78s. These notions are not compatible. 

And it has been repeatedly demonstrated to you that interest in the various types of old music is at an all-time high, even if it's not always on actual 78 RPM discs. I have 40,000 MP3s of music that was originally heard on 78. Which one of us is in it for the music again?

You're absolutely right about one thing, though: stamp and coin collectors are not as a rule interested in the musical aspect of their hobby. Good lord.

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