[78-L] Turntables that will play 78s and 16" ETs

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Mon May 3 09:22:10 PDT 2010

My Technics SP-15 does.
The trick is how you mount the tone arm and cartridge.


Sammy Jones wrote:
> To anyone "in-the-know,"
> I was wondering what are listmembers' favorite turntables for playing 16"
> radio transcriptions.  
> I've got an Esoteric/Rek-O-Kut that does nicely (although I wish it had
> quartz speed lock).
> Was there ever a Technics or Panasonic model that would accommodate 16"
> discs?
> Occasionally I'll see mention of a 17" transcription.  Were these larger
> discs used when the lacquer was intended to be plated and pressed?  I know
> my Rek-O-Kut won't accommodate them.  What will?
> Sammy Jones

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