[78-L] Pepsi--WAS: Alvino Rey and The Kings

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Fri Apr 23 19:56:06 PDT 2010

From: "simmonssomer" <simmonssomer at comcast.net>
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Steven C. Barr" <stevenc at interlinks.net>
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "simmonssomer" <simmonssomer at comcast.net>
>>> Pepsi Cola is a drink
>>> Pour it in the kitchen sink
>>> Tastes like vinegar, looks like ink
>>> Pepsi Cola sure does stink
>>> Nickel, nickel, nickel, nickel
>>> Ah those good old days of yesteryear in the 40's.
>>> But...we always chose Pepsi because...it was a 12 ounce bottle.
>>> Not a puny 6 ozs like coke.
>> Back in my much younger days, I used to have a 12-ounce pepsi
>> and soda crackers every afternoon when I came home from
>> school. The Pepsi cost six cents (they were 35 cents for a carton
>> of six). I had a mug (probably an old beer mug?) in which to
>> drink my Pepsi, over ice (from my grandmother's 1940
>> Frigidaire refrigerator)...the ice trays had handles one had to
>> pull to free the cubes! This was 1954-1960...!
>> Steven C. Barr
> Horrible. You polluted classic Pepsi with soda crackers?
> There shoulda been a law!
> But, at least you had the latest ice trays.
> Those handle release trays were great.
> They would make things a lot easier these days.
> But then...so would hand cranks to start cars when the battery is empty.
> Ah well...science marches on.
Well, man (or grade-schooler) cannot live on Pepsi alone...so one needs
some sort of food to accompany his/her/its libation of choice...?! Back in
1954. the familiar packaged snacks were yet to be sold...but "crackers"
were readily available! Since I could afford the six cents for a bottle of
Pepsi (I still have a few of the empties from "them days"...?!) my young
and growing body expected...heck, DEMANDED...some food to go with
it...! Back in the early fifties, and in small(VERY)-town Illinois, we 
have a large choice in that matter...this was before McDonald's became
ubiquitous, and Waynesville was way too small to rate one in any case...?!

When I got home from school, it was about 3:30 p.m. (starting c.1954, I
would watch "Mickey Mouse Club" on our b&w Zenith as soon as I came
home...!), and "dinner" was still 2.5 hours away. Nonetheless, my growing
body still expected FOOD...not just a 12-ounce Pepsi...and that wouldn't be
served for another two/three hours!

These days, every convenience store offers a near-infinite choice of snack
foods to our young...who, as a result, are usually a LOT fatter than they
ought to be! As well, in my younger days, we had a vacant lot across the
street...where we could organize, and participate in, various games.
Besides this, all of us under-16's (and thus ineligible for a desperately-
sought driver's license?!) rode large ONE-speed bicycles to reach our
destinations of choice; we probably expended many calories while
doing so...?!

These days, a kid grabs his/her/its NON-diet cola, and sits down in
front of a computer connecting to the web sites which have rendered
intra-personal contact virtually obsolete...?! Net calories consumed...
a thousand or so...net calories expended...well, ZERO?! Meanwhile,
the female part of the above will be desperately worrying about
their (over)weight!

Steven C. Barr 

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