[78-L] Album Images Needed (2.1) Decca w. titles

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Mar 12 16:06:08 PST 2010

But a classy looking red velvety album.

By the way, has anyone besides me ever seen C-18, the Larry Adler album, with 
the Esquire article by Carleton Smith as the inside front and back liners? That 
seems to have disappeared fairly quickly, although the discs in my set are all 


Don Chichester wrote:
> I have it.  No picture, just a red album with printed label.
> Don
>> Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 18:20:22 -0500
>> From: dlennick at sympatico.ca
>> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
>> Subject: Re: [78-L] Album Images Needed (2.1) Decca w. titles
>> Two copies!
>> And I don't remember buying either of them.
>> I think these things really do breed in captivity..or the cockroaches sneak 
>> them in at night.
>> dl
>> Michael Biel wrote:
>>> Before I forget. Does anyone have a copy of a 1937 un-numbered 3-disc 
>>> Brunswick set "Twenty Minutes with Kostelanetz" ? The review of it says 
>>> it comes in a handsome red album. The discs are 7873-75.
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