[78-L] The Investigator (Was: "IT", Was:Presidents on radio/McCarthy)

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Tue Mar 9 11:27:59 PST 2010

neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com wrote:
> you might google Real Alternative or Media Player Classic, both IIRC 
> will play real files w/o installing real.
> joe salerno

WOW!!!!!  Thank you!!  Media Player Classic is playing The Investigator 
right now!! 

And it does have the opening.  The march starts and I thought that it 
had cut the opening, but then the announcement came on as a voice over, 
and then the march restarts and goes into the phone ring.  The LP starts 
with the beginning of the restart of the march.  The closing credits are 
here but end suddenly after the credit for technical operations.  There 
is a slight amount of print thru post echo.

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 
> Michael Biel wrote:
>> Mike Harkin wrote:
>>>> IT = "The Investigator"
>> David Lennick wrote:
>>  > Oooooh, THAT! dl
>> Well, now that we know it is "The Investigator" is is Lennick who is 
>> tagged as it.  How about  it -- can you dig up one of those original 
>> complete copies?  I'd love to have it in its context with the open and 
>> close, and in better quality if it so happens. 
>> As I mentioned, I have a number of original Columbia pressings and 
>> several later ones including the very inferior Broadside.  What is 
>> interesting is that most of the original pressings I see do not have the 
>> liner notes -- the reverse of the cover is BLANK.  This added to the 
>> mystique of the record  because so many people who had it did not know 
>> any of its background.  It was truly underground and mysterious.  I 
>> think the first time I found a copy with the original back cover was a 
>> later black label copy with the handwritten XTV matrix numbers, the type 
>> made by the Everest Group that we found in the annual college bookstore 
>> traveling record sales. 
>> My background with this recording is likewise even more "underground".  
>> In 1956 I am 10 and in my first summer at sleep-away camp, and my bunk's 
>> counselor has an open-reel VM tape recorder.  As a progressive college 
>> kid, a couple of the tapes he had were dubs of Tom Lehrer and The 
>> Investigator.  (He also played a lot a recording of a military chorus 
>> singing "The Red Ball Express" from an Ed Sullivan program.)  As a kid I 
>> didn't understand all of what Lehrer was singing about--to me dope meant 
>> someone stupid, so The Old Dope Peddler was selling stupid people, and 
>> giving kids free samples of stupid people???   Even then I was watching 
>> the news so I did know something about the McCarthy hearings but 
>> certainly had no idea about the politics. 
>> But to answer the comment as to whether it holds up now, it does because 
>> even kids who did not know what the satire meant could enjoy it then.  
>> The best part were the running gags, especially bringing in all the 
>> wrong Karl Marxes.  "Oh no no no.  I'm Karl Marx the fish cleaner."  And 
>> sending all the witnesses "from uo here . . . . . . to down there"  and 
>> that great wind music swirling from up here to down there with a final 
>> thud.  And then the report of the devil getting pissed off because all 
>> of the Karl Marxes are holding rallys.  I loved it then and once I 
>> realized what it was all about, I love it more.  It is one of the 
>> greatest pieces of political satire of the century. 
>> It turns out (of course) that there is a good web page about it with 
>> audio by permission of the CBC, but my computer cannot play RealPlayer 
>> because it turns off my modem ever time the player is started, so I do 
>> not know the quality or if the open and close is there.  Can someone 
>> check it out and report back?  
>> http://www.albany.edu/jmmh/vol3/investigator/investigator.html
>> Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 
>>>>> Taylor Bowie wrote:
>>>>>>> Michael Biel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Mike Harkin wrote:
>>>>>>>>> TO WHOEVER WROTE THAT THEY HAVE COPIES OF IT:  please DO make a CD of it;
>>>>>>>>> I'd buy it!  Mike in Plovdiv
>>>>>>>> What is "it"??  There were half a dozen recordings discussed in this thread.
>>>>>>>> Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com
>>>>>>>> _________________________________________
>>>>>>> I've got "it" but it don't do me no good. dl
>>>>>> I had it,  I lost it,  and it's gone. 
>>>>> But...they can't take THAT away from me.
>>>>> And You Said It,  but it turns out that She's Got It. T 
>>>>> And I Got It From Agnes.
>>>>> (Somebody's gonna be sorry they asked..) dl
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