[78-L] 1st Family

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Sat Mar 6 21:25:19 PST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cary Ginell" <soundthink at live.com>
> Druggie humor was not my bag back then (or even now). The first shocking 
> comedy album I ever heard was George Carlin's "FM and AM," which came out 
> around 1972. The FM side was the one with the filthy language; the AM side 
> had his button-down act that he did before he grew his hair long. I had to 
> listen to this album in my room with the volume down so my parents 
> wouldn't hear it. I never cared for Richard Pryor, and Lenny Bruce was too 
> sophisticated for me when I was a kid. But I loved Shelley Berman's 
> angst-ridden telephone calls, Mort Sahl's stream-of-consciousness 
> diatribes, and Nichols and May's ad-libbed vignettes. I remember having to 
> memorize a monologue for a television production class during my first 
> year in college and I chose Berman's "Flowers" - I still remember it ("so, 
> no matter how mean or cruel or rotten you might have been throughout this 
> day, every time you breathe out, you make a little flower happy.")
"Druggie humour" was pioneered (and well done) by "Cheech & Chong"...whose 
routines made fun of the aspects of "smoking weed"...?!

Steven C. Barr

(Whose favourite comedy record remains Burt Sheppard's "How I Got To 

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