[78-L] Rolling Stones question ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Mar 6 07:54:50 PST 2010

The Bo Diddley box set seems to be the only one on that list with any kind of 
value. The fellow asking the question is in his early 80s, by the way, so 
extensive price googling may be a bit more than he wants to take on.


Kristjan Saag wrote:
> David Lennick wrote:
>  > I know, not much 78 content here, but the requester is a long-time 78 
> collector
>  > who doesn't know much about this here new-fangled rockin' roll, 
> especially by
>  > these old farts. He has a cassette box set of the Rolling Stones Singles
>  > Collection and wants to know if it has any value. My guess would be, 
> only to an
>  > absolute fanatic Stones collector who has to have the stuff in every 
> format.
> ---
> First: "only an absolute fanatic Stones collector" practically means a 
> few thousand of them. Which also means: most things related to Stones, 
> Beatles, Elvis, Springsteen etc are collectables.
> Cassettes weren't listed in the British "Record Collector Price Guide" 
> ten years ago, but I think they are now. But, like with everything else, 
> value is dependent on condition and, quoting the Record Collector's website:
> "As a general rule CD's and Cassettes either play perfectly - inwhich 
> case they are in Mint condition - or they don't, in which case their 
> value is minimal. Cassette tape is liable to deteriorate with age, even 
> if it remains unplayed, so care should be taken when buying old tapes."
> So your collector friend ought, perhaps, to check some price lists 
> before throwing the stuff out.
> Here's to give him an idea of what prices can be:
> http://www.hotplatters.com/hotPlatters_2006/other/CASSETTE.html
> Kristjan

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