[78-L] Research Question: Jim Walsh

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Tue Feb 23 20:40:05 PST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Chichester" <dnjchi78 at live.com>
> I own an almost complete set of Hobbies magazine from before 1940, in 
> which Jim Walsh wrote his monthly column and other articles for record 
> collectors.  I live in Roanoke VA, a few miles from Walsh's home in 
> Vinton; I pass it about three times a week.  Contact off-list with any 
> questions.
I USED to own an extensive collection of Hobbies...like so many things I 
"used" to own (except, so far, my half-vast
shellac archive...?!) I lost it when some well-meaning (?!) friends decided 
to "clean up my premises"...! Sadly, the
rest of the world remains convinced that they need to "reform" us "pack 
rats"...?! FEH!!!

Steven C. Barr 

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