[78-L] Billy Byers

Jeff Sultanof jeffsultanof at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 16:43:00 PST 2010


In fact, I am soon to go through the Albam collection at the Institute of
Jazz Studies for the specific purpose of selecting music to publish, and
determining which pieces are more difficult to edit than others. According
to the finding aid, none of the Jazz Workshop arrangements are there; I have
a feeling he gave them to either the Eastman School or Rowan University, as
he taught at both institutions. He once gave a talk at an IAJE convention
where he advocated smaller big bands for schools that did not have four
trumpets or trombones, and he played "Anything Goes" from the Jazz Workshop

I knew Manny a little bit; never met Byers, to my great regret. The Byers
Jazz Workshop album is a beaut that should be better known. Carisi had an
album in the series, but regretfully it was not released at the time. Some
tracks later came out on CD, but too late to have any effect on Carisi's


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Geoffrey Wheeler <dialjazz at verizon.net>wrote:

> I don’t recall when it happened, but the first time I could actually
> compare the covers of the RCA Billy Byers Jazz workshop and Manny Albam
> Jazz Workshop albums, I noted how similar they were. The poses were
> similar. Both men wore glasses. It looked like RCA photographed the
> same person but from different angles. I greatly enjoyed these and
> other Jazz Workshop albums that RCA issued in the ’50s. Both Byers and
> Albam were musicians I paid attention to in the ’50s.
> Geoffrey.
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