[78-L] Perfect [was acoustic recording]

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Thu Feb 18 06:55:22 PST 2010

Last issues known to me from label images are: 
Ban 7-01-52
Oriole 7-04-02
Romeo 7-12-02 & 8-02-51 (was there a 8-01-xx?)
Melotone 8-02-66
Per 8-05-01

Will send images to Steven (how easy is discographical research today...).
Han Enderman
>>> Ah, but Perfect survived into 1938!
>> Through (probably) April 1938, judging from thr date-related catalog 
>> numbers
>> used by ARC from late 1935 onward; can't remember if I've run across any
>> 8-04-## Perfects...?!
>> Steven C. Barr
> I have Perfect 8-05-01 Gene Kardos's "ooooo-Oh BOOM!" and Chick
> Bullock's Perfect 8-04-01 "Did An Angel Kiss You?" I have mentioned this
> before, but the first issue of the month often featured Chick Bullock!
Okeh...I had never seen an 8-05-xx Perfect...!

Next question: has anyone seen an Oriole from later than (193)7-01-xx?
Or a Banner from 1937 or later?

Steven C. Barr 

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