[78-L] Last 78's--WAS: acoustic recording

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Sun Feb 14 07:09:08 PST 2010

Banjo Bud wrote:
> Were there any electrically recorded cylinders?
> Bud
Indirectly. Almost all cylinders recorded after the 1914 factory fire 
were dubs from Diamond Discs.  In 1928 they started dubbing the 
cylinders electrically, and many of those were from electrically 
recorded discs.  Ron Dethelrfson might have published a listing of which 
ones somewhere, but it probably started somewhere between 5200 and 
5300.  The 1927 broadcast of the Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony 
was put on six Ediphone grooved regular sized cylinders, but I have a 
feeling these might be acoustical dubs of the 30 RPM Rayediphonic 
discs.  The Ediphone School records following the end of the regular 
cylinder production might have been directly electrically recorded on an 
electrical Ediphone.  I don't have any other than the one mould I have, 
and that is not playable, of course. 

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com  .

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