[78-L] one man's treasure.....

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Sat Feb 13 10:16:49 PST 2010

S. Barr wrote: 

In EVERY field of "collectible artifacts," there exist items which are worth
much more than average...a "Group Of Seven" painting, here in Ontario,
recently sold for 1.3 MILLION dollars...! 


I was  visiting a friend the other evening who is a collector, who's very quiet, doesn't belong to anything like CAPS, never goes on 78L and does not have any kind of intercourse with any other collectors that I know of.  I only met him because he's a friend of a friend of my wife.  But he has far more records in every format than I do, several turntables, an OWL 1, a couple of McIntosh tube amps and everything is organized to a degree I couldn't accomplish if I spent a lifetime.  He's also a collector of books, glassware, china, model cars, posters etc.  He lives in a huge house, (mansion), and every one of his collections is organized and has its own place in the house.  He's a retired high school teacher, he's very modest but can converse intelligently about any of his collections.  Our discussions reveal his appreciation for music and the depth of his knowledge in that area.

While I was there the other evening, he showed me his latest acquisition from e-bay:  The "almost complete record dating guide" for which he paid US$119.00.


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